Product Document

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working girl


ScholarRank is a product developed by Invithi Software Pvt Ltd. for Educational Organization that aims to simplify creating, distributing, grading assignments and strives to enable paperless learning in the classroom. ScholarRank is a collaboration application for teachers and learners. Learners and teachers can communicate about the assignments within the platform and teachers can monitor studant’s progress.

2. Explore ScholarRank

3. Get Started with ScholarRank

4. Students: Join and organize your classes

5. Students: Turn in and track assignments

6. Students: Communicate with your teacher or classmate

7. Teachers: Create, and organize your All kind of test like home assignment, quizzes, subjective answer type test etc.

8. Teachers: Create, students batches.

9. Teachers: Communicate with your class using chat service.

10. Administrators: Manage ScholarRank access to teachers

Join a class as a student

Invite students to your class

Create an assignment

Activate or deactivate an assignment

Archive or delete a class

Join a video meeting for education

Start a video meeting for education

Use your email and phone no to create an account.

Change Settings

Use ScholarRank on mobile

Join a class as a student

Join a video meeting for education

See your class information

Troubleshooting for students

Remove from a class

Turn in an assignment

Write notes on your work

See your work for a class

Answer a question

Work with a doc assigned to you

See your overall grade for a class

Chat with the teacher by using a scholar rank chatting board.

Create a class

Copy a class

Invite students to your class

Start a video meeting for education

Archive or delete a class

Add materials to the Class-work page

Manage class details and settings

Set student permissions to post and comment

Use the calendars as a teacher

Transfer ownership of a class

Create an assignment

Communicate with a scholarrank chatting portal with an individual or group of students

Allow or disallow students to type text options for any student on chatting pord

Make announcements or immpotent notice for all students

Schedule meeting

Share files in ScholarRank

Add topics to the Classwork page

Create a quiz assignment

Question format MCQ as well as subjective

Exam time auto set, display auto result after exam with performance

Auto check exam papers and send the results to students